Friday, October 27, 2017

Big Centuries Arrive on the Moosehead

After nearly two years of waiting, my M636s by Bowser have arrived.  Many thanks to Jeff Grove at Railway City Hobbies for hooking me up.  As typical of my purchasing policy, all are DC without sound.  I'll explain why in a later post.  I don't have a lot to say other than these look amazing.

 I purchased four M636s, as seen below.  Two are from the first order CP placed (#4707 and #4712), the other two are from the second order (#4732 and #4738).  First some shots of the whole family.


To illustrate differences between the two orders, I took a series of photos comparing one of each to the other.

Finally a few individual glamour shots.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Filming the Shore Line

Last week, I returned to Connecticut for work.  The weather was nearly perfect for the whole week, so I spent some time shooting Amtrak operations on the Shore Line.  Shifting from my usual photography, I opted to shoot some video.  I've posted the results to my new Youtube channel.  Enjoy!

Friday, October 13, 2017

Back on the Bench - A GP9 Project Update

It has been a long while since I've posted on my Somerset GP9s, in fact I last mentioned them back in January.  Since then, they mainly have sat on the back burner, while I focused on my Moosehead modules.  One of my greatest issues with modeling is I have a hard time focusing on a project and seeing it through from start to finish.  In the past few weeks, I've made some further progress towards completing these.

Replaced the MU hoses with a set from Details West.  The MU box on the walkway is a Proto part.

Installing new fans from Cannon.

Fan installation complete.  I later painted the fan grilles, leaving the fan blades shiny.

 Installing grabirons.  These are from Detail Associates.  I used 0.030" styrene as spacers. 

Ready for weathering.  All parts installed, decals sealed.   After weathering is complete, I'll install the window glass and number boards.  Then, I'll put together the electronics package, but that will be for another post.

Close up of 842

And of 843 

Meeting the neighbors.  The Somerset geeps meet a CP westbound extra led by C424 4247.